Empire Clothing Montreal Quebec Canada - Manufacturers, Suppliers Garments

Empire Clothing

Montreal Québec Canada

Empire Clothing is Company, Manufacturer located at Montreal in Canada, Quebec and offers Jacket, Outerwear, Suits, Topcoats, Tuxedos etc. as Boys Wear, Mens Clothing, Mens Wear etc. Textile fabrics are based on Cashmere, Cotton, Linen, Silks, Wool materials. Their business regions are Canada, North America, USA . Their brands are Biella, Empire 1917, Peter Millar . The company established in the year 1917.

Company / Shop / Store Locations :Canada,

Address :
Empire Clothing
5800 St. Denis Street •
Montreal, Quebec Canada
Click for MAP Location of Empire Clothing in Montreal Québec Canada

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Company, Manufacturer
Business Regions
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  • Dress Collections

    Textile Fabrics

    Gender and Ages


    Working Days and Hours

    Sunday : Closed Monday : 9 am – 5 pm Tuesday : 9 am – 5 pm Wednesday : 9 am – 5 pm Thursday : 9 am – 5 pm Friday : 9 am – 5 pm Saturday : Closed