Textile companies in Kozhikode

Textile companies in Kozhikode

Here is the list / Directory of Textile companies in Kozhikode. Find details like major clothes, fabrics, business activities, dealing brands, cities, establishment year, phone numbers of respective Textile companies in Kozhikode.

Fabrics India Cotton - Fabrics India Cotton is Company, Manufacturer, Retailer, Supplier, Traditional Shop / Store / Showroom located at Kozhikode in India, Kerala and offers Aprons, Bath Linen, Bath mats, Bed Linens, Bedcovers, Bedsheets,… Know the Company / Shop / Store
Jayalakshmi Silks Kerala India Jayalakshmi Silks - Jayalakshmi Silks is Trader and Traditional Retail Shop / Showroom with online shopping facility located at Kozhikode in Kerala India and offers Bengal Cotton Sarees, Bhagalpuri Sarees, Bridal Sarees, Chanderi… Know the Company / Shop / Store
Fatiz Bridal Emporio Mumbai Cochin Thrissur Kozhikode Fatiz Bridal Emporio - Fatiz Bridal Emporio is Retail Shops / Stores located in Mumbai (Maharashtra), Cochin, Kozhikode, Thrissur, Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) and Chennai (Tamilnadu), offers Garments for Kids, Men and Women especially Bridal Sarees, Designer Sarees, Party Wears,… Know the Company / Shop / Store