Uathayam Erode Tamil Nadu India - Retailer Garments


Erode Tamil Nadu India

Uathayam is Retailer located at Erode in India, Tamilnadu and offers Kurta, Kurta Pajamas, Polo T-Shirts, Round Neck T-Shirts, Shirt etc. as Boys Wear, Girls wear, Kids Wear, Ladies Wear, Mens Clothing, Mens Wear, Womens Clothing etc. Their business region is Asia, India . The company established in the year 2003.

Company / Shop / Store Locations :India,

Location Address :
33/7, Bhavani Main Road, Mayapuram,
R.N.Pudur Post, Erode, Tamil Nadu – 638005

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Company / Shop Message

Uathayam is a part of the prestigious three-decade-old company in Erode started in the year 2003. The company is famous for the Uathayam dhotis, Uathayam White shirts, pure silk shirts, printed shirts, women's chemise, and other clothing products in South India.


Business Regions
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  • Dress Collections


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