Kitex Garments - Textiles Garments Business Directory

Kitex Garments

Ernakulam Kerala

Kitex Garments Ltd is located in Alwaye, Ernakulam in Kerala India. It is the part of Anna-Kitex group of companies and was established in 1992. Kitex Garments company caters to prominent and renowned conglomerates in USA and Europe. The company is currently the second largest producer of children's apparel in the world, and is now in the process of setting up operations in the United States of America. The company specializes in knitted garments for infants, toddlers, boys and girls. It also makes specialized value-added knitted underwear for adults. For children's garments, the sizes range from Preemie (Premature baby) to 6X (6 years). For adult's garments, the sizes range from 3XS to 6XL. The company places special emphasis on the quality of yarn it purchases, and has set high standards of Strength, Elongation, TPI, CSP, CV, Uster, Imperfections, etc.

Company / Shop / Store Locations :India,

Kitex Garments Ltd
Corporate Office :
P.B No. 5, Kizhakkambalam
Alwaye, Ernakulam- 683562

Shop / Store :
Kuthappady, Thammanam
Ernakulam 682032

While you call, Please mention that you got these Phone Numbers from
Phone Numbers
+914844142000 +914842585000


Exporter Manufacturer Supplier Wholesale Shops / Stores Retail Shops / StoresSales Regions India, UK, USA

Major Products

Garments Bedsheets, Bermudas, Dhotis, Frocks, Leggings, Lungies, Shirting & Suiting, Shirts, Shorts Innerwears - Bras, Briefs, Camisoles, Panties, Slips, Tights, VestsTextile Fabrics Cotton, Linen, Yarn

Gender and Ages

Garments for Boys, Girls, Kids, Men, Women and General
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Quick Information - Kerala

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