Baoding Emay Clothing Design Baoding Hebei China - Manufacturers, Suppliers Garments

Baoding Emay Clothing Design Co.,Ltd.

Baoding Hebei China

Baoding Emay Clothing Design Co.,Ltd. is Manufacturer, Supplier, Wholesaler located at Baoding in China, Hebei and offers Coat, Fox Fur Parka Jacket, Mink Fur Coats, Women Coats, Wool sweater, Woolen coat etc. as Girls wear, Ladies Wear, Womens Clothing etc. Textile fabrics are based on Leather, Medium-Long Fur, Woolen etc. materials. Their business region is Asia, China . The company established in the year 2021.

Company / Shop / Store Locations :China,

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Location Address :
Baoding Emay Clothing Design Co.,Ltd.
Room 2307, No.1 Maoye Centre,
Chaoyang South Street,
Jingxiu Area, Baoding, Hebei

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Phone Numbers
+8618931399952 +8619912123369 +8613831268628

Company / Shop Message

Emay Clothing Design Co., Ltd. is a China-based garment manufacturer with 20 years of manufacturing experience. We started by manufacturing and wholesale fur clothing.


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