Textiles Garments Companies, Stores/ Shops in Gujarat
Here is the Directory or List of Textiles / Garments Companies, Shops/ Stores in Gujarat like textile / garments exporters, importers, manufacturers, suppliers, retail stores, wholesale shops, wholesalers, distributors, traders, dealers, Boutiques, Stitching Centres / Units etc. Find details like major clothes, fabrics, business activities, dealing brands, cities, phone numbers, establishment year of various companies and shops in Gujarat.
Textile Trek
Gujarat is a big deal in the textile world. The state has been making clothes for thousands of years!
Old School
Gujarat’s textile history dates back to ancient times. Can you believe it? It’s like, way older than your grandma’s favorite sweater!
Big Players
This is home to the largest textile plants in the country. It produces all kinds of textiles: cotton, silk, synthetic, and many more. They don’t sell them locally; they also export some to countries like the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada.
Government Support
The Gujarat government wants the textile industry to grow; it is offering subsidies and tax breaks, among other incentives. It is also setting up new infrastructure to help ease the process of companies opening operations in the state. All this translates to more jobs and even more money for the economy!
Related List :
List of Textile and Garments Companies, Stores/ Shops in Gujarat
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Ishita House
Surat Gujarat India
Akruti Sarees
Surat Gujarat India
Ziya Tex
Surat Gujarat India
Shenaya Fashion
Surat Gujarat India
Kitta Trendz
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Ahmedabad Gujarat India
Keevu Designer Studio
Surat Gujarat India
SG Creation
Surat Gujarat India
Tvelo Designer
Surat Gujarat India
Surat Gujarat India
Arham Saree House
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Siya Tex Fab
Surat Gujarat India
Hemant & co.
Ahmedabad Gujarat India
Yogi Sarees
Gurukul Ahmedabad Gujarat
House of Utsav Silk
Ahmedabad Gujarat
Asopalav Silk India
Shivranjani Cross Rd Ahmedabad
Half Ticket
Ahmedabad Gujarat
Gamthiwala Textiles
Ahmedabad Gujarat
Textiles Garments Industry in Gujarat Regions
List and Details of Textiles Garments Industry in different Gujarat Regions.