Goodwill Fabrics Bangalore Karnataka - Manufacturers,Exporters Garments

Goodwill Fabrics

Bangalore Karnataka

Goodwill Fabrics is Company, Exporter, Manufacturer located at Bangalore in India, Karnataka and offers Bermudas, Cargo Pants, Casual Shirts, Casual Trousers, Cotton Shirts, Formal Shirts, Long Skirts, Mens - Boxer Shorts, Shirting & Suiting, Shirts, Shorts, Skirts as Boys Wear, Girls wear, Kids Wear, Ladies Wear, Mens Clothing, Mens Wear, Womens Clothing etc. Textile fabrics are based on Cotton materials. Their business regions are Asia, Australia, Canada, China, Europe, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, North America, Oceania, South America, UK, USA . Their brands are Hurley, Marc O'Polo, O’Neill, Tailored Brands . The company established in the year 1999.

Company / Shop / Store Locations :India,

Goodwill Fabrics
Site #1/B1, Sy. #12 & 13, GOODWILL,
19th Main Road, HSR Layout Sec- 3rd,
Nr. Narayana Hospital,
Bangalore, Karnataka – 560 102

While you call, Please mention that you got these Phone Numbers from
Phone Numbers
+918042008496 +918042075138 +918042075136


Company, Exporter, Manufacturer
Business Regions Asia, Australia, Canada, China, Europe, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, North America, Oceania, South America, UK, USA

Major Products

Garments Bermudas, Cargo Pants, Casual Shirts, Casual Trousers, Cotton Shirts, Formal Shirts, Long Skirts, Mens - Boxer Shorts, Shirting & Suiting, Shirts, Shorts, Skirts
Textile Fabrics Cotton

Gender and Ages

Boys Wear, Girls wear, Kids Wear, Ladies Wear, Mens Clothing, Mens Wear, Womens Clothing


Hurley, Marc O'Polo, O’Neill, Tailored Brands


FairTrade, GOTS, GSV, SA8000, WRAP

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